so like i said before there was a long weekend - perfect for beach going. then we decided it would be easy to maintain a tan just by spending a short weekend at the beach. and then some friends were going to my *favorite* beach. then it was a long weekend *again* (public holiday season in CR). so yeah. i have only a couple of pictures to share... i didn't end up taking all that many.

this tree was actually right on the beach in cahuita. i wasn't trekking in the woods to get this picture. i was standing directly under this tree. it was pretty cool. there were about 4 little monkeys crawling around, eating fruit, and dropping the pits on the tourists. luckily no one was injured in the taking of this photo.
the last picture i'll share is from montezuma. and yes, i've posted pictures of montezuma before. because i thought when i went there the first time that it was the best beach and the coolest town i had visited. and when we were going to go back i was a little worried that i might change my mind. that i just hadn't seen enough beaches yet. but no. it was just as amazing as i remember. and i still think it's my favorite.

so i might be off to panama next weekend. my visa is up, and though my director seems to think it won't be a big deal if i go a little over, i'd rather not risk it. so i'm trying to finagle some days off... hopefully.