- to share a few post cards from my trip to france and italy (first one is below), and some excerpts from my personal journals on my experience living and working in japan
- to have a way to communicate my thoughts and experiences when i hit the road again (it's bound to happen, my wanderlust is strong)

3 march 2003, monday ...in an attempt to be more frugal after my confusing expensive lunch i went to the grocery store and got 8 things totaling €8.80 - the wine being the most expensive at €1.97 and everything else being somewhat healthy. do i know how to grocery shop or what?! i can eat for two days on this stuff.
i do love to grocery shop... according to my personal journal i bought: wine, bread, cheese, butter, lettuce, juice, water, and soup (clearly i was so impressed with myself that i thought this worthy of note). that was pretty much my diet in a nutshell while i was traveling.
the best thing about sandwiches in france is that they put butter on them. i met a boy from california when i was in arles, in the south of france, and we got to talking about sandwiches. we both felt that buttering sandwiches was the most fab idea. he also had this idea for sandwich sandwiches.... where the filling of the sandwich was another sandwich. so if you ever see a sandwich sandwich somewhere - i know that guy!
Ann your the bomb. I want to see more pictures. Post cards. Some more visual stuff.
Ann you are an inspiration. Love the site and can't wait to hear where your headed next.
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