11 april 2003
"can't wait to be around people i care about! the man at the desk says i'm so quiet for an american, when really i just don't want to talk to him..."
"can't wait to be around people i care about! the man at the desk says i'm so quiet for an american, when really i just don't want to talk to him..."
i found this to be a funny comment - those of you who know me well will attest to the fact that i can, when the situation merits, be chatty to a fault. but when it comes to people i don't like or who annoy me i find the best way to deal with them is to actively not engage them in conversation.
so needless to say after spending the day walking around a city i was not enjoying (i believe it was also raining) i was *not* in the mood to make small talk with a man who spent more time on his hair than i do and who thought he was god's gift to women. (and he was short).
i wrote about another little incident with this same desk guy (receptionist seems to be the wrong word) in my personal journal:
"also a little sketchy is the man at the desk this morning in the hostel. he gave me creepy eyes when i brought out my breakfast tray. and when he said something i didn't hear, he stepped closer and said it quieter. do not like him."

the above picture is what i thought was the best part of napoli - my bed (even though it was part of a four bed area, from wall to wall, with about a foot of space between it and its neighbor), my book, and my chili-chocolate bar
so that's the end of my france and italy extras. my next post, and the ones following it, will start to talk about going to japan and the experiences i had there.
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