when i first arrived i was given a huge packet of information. maps, directions, my key, and a train ticket to my orientation. on the monday following my arrival i headed to okayama for orientation. i managed to take the right train *and* find the school without too much difficulty.
the big question on my mind at this point was "how soon can i transfer to a city?". webber, our orientator, said it would be possible after my probationary period was over (2 months). i wasn't convinced, but there was so much information being thrown at us that i didn't have time to care.
the highlight of our orientation was the free meal - webber took us all out to some pizza place. not your average american pizza, but still recognizable. after dinner we were sent home, which seemed a little pointless to me, since i was supposed to come back the next day to begin my 3 day training.
when i got back to my place natasha was back from work eating her dinner. i made myself a little snack and was pleased to be told that CSI was going to be on - IN ENGLISH - and that it was on almost every monday night. i also learned that on saturday there was often an english movie on tv.
training - day one

the next day i was back in okayama. i had read in my guidebook that there was a kaitenzushi (rotating sushi bar) place near the school, so i made it my first mission to find this place. when i finally did, i took a seat at the counter and tried to watch and learn. when i still couldn't figure out how to get tea, an old woman sitting near me decided to educate me. she didn't speak a word of english, but she got me up to speed quickly. the tea bags were on the counter along with tea cups. all along the countertop were spigots which poured out the hot water. chopsticks. ginger. et voila.
i was really quite amused by the whole experience. watching and waiting for the plate of sushi i wanted. trying to match plates to pictures on the menu to words in my phrase book so i would know what i was eating. my only disappointment was the tako, octopus. yuk. at the end your plates are counted up and priced by color. easy, fun, and cheap.
still loaded down with my overnight bag i went straight to the school to begin my training. our class consisted of only myself and one other boy, jeremy. there was a lot of talk to start with, the sequence of nova lessons, the levels of students, and the timing of the class. we started by planning a couple of role plays and before we knew it we were thrown in to teach part of a class.
my first class went mostly as planned, i was able to guide the students in the role play and scribble a few notes about their efforts. my second class didn't go as well. my role play was planned for 3 characters, but only 1 student had shown up for the class. i got a little panicky and flabbergasted. but i got through it.
my training partner, jeremy, wasn't much of a talker, so i managed to fill in for him. i went on and on about the fabulous kaitenzushi place i had eaten lunch. and after talking it up so much, we decided to go there on our dinner break. only this time *i* was the one doing the educating.
after a long first day i was ready to pass out in my little hotel room. but before i could sleep i had more sample lessons to plan....
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