Tuesday, March 04, 2008

i am satisfactory!

so i'm pretty pumped. i am satisfactory. i'll explain...

i can't remember if i mentioned this before, but back in november 2007 i took the dele exam (Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera). passing this exam earns you a certificate issued by the cervantes institute in spain on behalf of the spanish ministry for education and science. it's recognized worldwide.

Nombre y apellidos ANN DOREMUS
Grupo 1
Grupo 2
Grupo 3
 Comprensión de lecturaExpresión escritaGramática y vocabularioComprensión auditivaExpresión oral
Puntuación máxima20 puntos15 puntos20 puntos15 puntos30 puntos
Puntuación mínima exigida
24,5 puntos
14 puntos
31,5 puntos
Puntuación obtenida17.0 puntos13.13 puntos16.0 puntos12.27 puntos24.0 puntos
30.13 (APTO)
16.0 (APTO)
36.27 (APTO)
La calificación final es de APTO

(ps "APTO" apparently means "satisfactory")

so my certification is at the "nivel inicial" which basically means that i have "sufficient linguistic ability for understanding and responding appropriately in most normal day-to-day situations and for expressing desires and needs in a basic way"

pretty cool, huh? i may try for the "nivel intermedio" before leaving costa rica... we'll see though. i'm kind of busy for test prep just now... i have some school stories and pictures which i'll be posting momentarily...

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