Thursday, September 22, 2005

entiende? (my spanish speaking skills)

i'm making the final preparations for my trip to spain. picking up the miscellaneous travel sized items i need. deciding what to wear, what to pack, and what to leave behind. checking permitted and prohibited items for carry-on luggage at the tsa website (i'm a carry-on only kind of girl). and reviewing all the spanish words and phrases i've learned over the past 2 months of study.

naturally, it is also the week that my continuing ed french class begins. i have to say, that despite having studied far more french in my life than any other language, i have still managed to displace parts of my french vocabulary with my new spanish vocabulary. i find myself forming questions improperly. leaving out personal pronouns. oy. and as excited as i am to brush up on my french, i had to resist starting my assignments for the next class immediately.

i have one more lesson in my spanish cd course. once that's done, i'll have 9 days to try it out on actual spanish people (and maybe even some non-spanish people who are willing to listen). after that, who knows if or when i'll use it again...

next time i post, i will be in spain. bon voyage, uh, buen viaje, i mean!

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